We jus't got an e'mail from one of our fellow nursing student's and she spelled y'all "ya'll." What the fuck? I'm thinking that ya'll might be the Canadian contraction of "ya will." Adult's who don't understand contraction's jus't really make me nut's.
Ok, so my patient from last week died Friday morning at 3am. I'm glad I wasn't the last person he saw before he died, but I'm also grateful that I was one of the last. The consensus is that I didn't actually kill him, I just expedited his imminent death (in a positive manner) and made him more comfortable. If he comes to me in my dreams or in the shower or something to haunt me, I'm gonna really think about becoming a school nurse.

Tomorrow Michaela is giving a talk on the life of Louis Braille. She wrote a monologue, a timeline, and a beautiful poem and she has to dress in character. Too bad she's playing a blind kid and she can't see how cute she is in drag. Speaking of, a boy in her class who constantly accuses her of having "girl cooties" has to dress up like Annie Oakley. Talk about justice...
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