I'd just like to point out that this higly blowgworthy blog had nothing to do with The Muse. If The Muse had never existed, this blog would still have total relevence to your life, my life, Gary's life, everybody. To say that your blog has no point as long as The Muse is gone is rediculous. Look back at all the blog entries you've made, and on all those various topics. How many of them were for the Muse? Not that many. And look at all the comments you've recived from all your readers. Of all those, what percentage of those comments was The Muse responcible for? Less than 10%. probably less than 5% even. This blog has alot more relevance than you give it credit for.
oh, no need to thank me. My motivations are pureley self-centered. If you stop writing your blog, than I won't have anything to read online anymore, and stealing free internet from my neighbors will have lost its appeal. I mean, I geuss K. will still have a blog (pssshh), but considereing her extensive postings, I just don't think it will be the same.
wait a minute. Katie has a blog? why the hell didnt I know that? i'm like the only one in nursing school who doesnt have a blog. if I did start one, nobody would red it because every entry would be loaded with pictures of my cats and commentary on how much I want to do it with Drew Carey. sigh.
Location: the high desert, new mexico, United States
when my kids grow up i want to go chase tornadoes in oklahoma. or move to cape cod. but for now, i'm just gonna hang in the desert, enjoy the good life, see how many different colors i can paint my walls, hope for shooting stars and lucky pennies and kisses in the rain, and do everything humanly possible to keep my kids happy, healthy, and far away from drugs.
I'd just like to point out that this higly blowgworthy blog had nothing to do with The Muse. If The Muse had never existed, this blog would still have total relevence to your life, my life, Gary's life, everybody. To say that your blog has no point as long as The Muse is gone is rediculous. Look back at all the blog entries you've made, and on all those various topics. How many of them were for the Muse? Not that many. And look at all the comments you've recived from all your readers. Of all those, what percentage of those comments was The Muse responcible for? Less than 10%. probably less than 5% even. This blog has alot more relevance than you give it credit for.
whatever. you spend every day with me, you know how i am. but thank you for your kind words.
and your percentages are way off. but that's why you're a nurse and not a mortgage broker.
oh, no need to thank me. My motivations are pureley self-centered. If you stop writing your blog, than I won't have anything to read online anymore, and stealing free internet from my neighbors will have lost its appeal. I mean, I geuss K. will still have a blog (pssshh), but considereing her extensive postings, I just don't think it will be the same.
well, your pure self-centeredness invalidates my muse. so until i get my muse back, i don't have much to say.
wait a minute. Katie has a blog? why the hell didnt I know that? i'm like the only one in nursing school who doesnt have a blog. if I did start one, nobody would red it because every entry would be loaded with pictures of my cats and commentary on how much I want to do it with Drew Carey.
drew carey is hot
So Shen, You would have a blog just like carol and ramon. Except that instead of pictures of you and drew carey, It would be pictures of Donizzle
i don't get that at all.
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