quote of the night
"I'll trade you one of my English speakers for her. Oh wait...I don't have any." ---Kathryn, after I got a Spanish speaking admission, during mad frustration because 4 of her 8 patients (or, the only ones who actually speak), speak only Espanol.
Sorry about your night...
Sorry about your night...
last night kind of sucked...but it's ok...we survived. it's nice to know that when things suck...we find the humor in them... :)
last night didn't kind of suck, it completely sucked. but princess hemorrhoids was funny.
100% pure sucky night! No way around it...except the great company. Couldn't make it without you guys. You are the bread for my butter...the jelly to my PB...the Hola in my espanol! Thank the goddess for people with a good sense of humor! You guys rock. Maybe I'll keep my job after all....
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