22 November 2007

37 things...

Ok, to off-set Meg's list (that no one saw)(but still, I did)(and it was awesome)(especially #26) of 37 reasons why this hetox thing is good for me, I'm making a list of some things that I'm thankful for on this Thanksgiving day. Feel free to add to it or to write your own parallel thankfulblog.

1. My kids cuz for the most part they're awesome
2. Exhub cuz I don't cook, clean, or do laundry anymore (including today, and he's better at it anyway)
3. My dogs cuz they're cute and sweet and cuddly
4. My awesome friends (especially those who rush to coffee or sushi with me when I need them or just cuz it's fun and write lists of 37 reasons why I'm better off and then tell me those things continuously while consuming sweet drinks, lusting over taken people I can't seem to not crush on, and singing bad karaoke)
5. My parents for like a bazillion reasons (that's a whole blog in itself, to steal from Robb, I guess)
6. My degree...financial stability is a nice load off my mind
7. My new job is monumentally better than my old one
8. Peju winery, who only requires that I have a valid credit card to mail me cases of wine
9. Thanksgiving, for having a day off and a reason to drink a whole bunch of that wine
10. My new house
11. My mother (again) for conceiving me on St. Patrick's Day and not some other random holiday thus making me a Sagittarius
12. All my old California friends who write me great emails and put me up in paradise-like locales when I come visit
13. Gary and Shannon for being like the model everything
14. 3 bathrooms
15. My kids extracurricular activities center around band, art, creative writing, reading, baseball and rock and roll, and not alcohol, drugs, and sex.
16. Pam and Ardith, the Abq cousins, and Uncle David for being the nonjudgmental, completely accepting, whatever you do is fine with me and I'm gonna love you and hang out with you anyway part of the family
17. Bubble wrap cuz it's making my kids really happy right now
18. My preceptor and new friend Jessica for hiring me, being an awesome nurse, and just being an all-around awesome person
19. Just the thought of Hillary for President...
20. My ex BEMFF who turned me on to Springsteen and convinced me to go see him live, which ended up (besides the Indigo Girls) being the 2 best live shows I've ever seen, including countless other things...(I still miss him)
21. Did I mention the wine already?
22. Shenoa and Radha, you know why
23. Colin, we need to go gamble sometime and then I'll be even more thankful
24. A friend in St. Louis for showing me that people besides me actually don't always just stay for the kids
25. Sammie, Ari, KAH, Nikki, Whitny, and Kim for making my old job just not bad enough to completely leave
26. Divorce, cuz marriage is like a jail cell (sorry exhub, but this is way more fun)
27. Ok, freedom and stuff...but I still can't draw a direct line to how the troops are doing that for me....but whatever, freedom (not into jail cells, see #26)
28. The trampoline
29. Julie at work who didn't schedule me on my birthday, Meg's birthday, or Thais and Ari's graduation
30. My mom (again) for forgetting how old she really is and being really excited about going to see Springsteen with me and Meg on St. Patrick's Day (hmmm...my mother and St. Patrick's Day is a recurring theme here, no?)
31. KAH, for making sure everything's ok, cuz I really can't
32. Sears, for my new lawnmower
33. Hank, for making really good drinks and cutting me off when I ask her to
34. Myspace for allowing me to reconnect with some old friends and family
35. All the nice people in my life who do wonderful things for and with me
36. The OB resident who convinced me that I really needed to go work in L&D
37. Exhub just opened another bottle of wine

And I didn't even touch on things like indoor plumbing, running water, sunrises and sunsets!


Blogger Robb said...

And you have to be thankful that we don't live in the pre-internet dark ages, because if we were born even like twenty years earlier we would have totally lost touch by now and I'm thankful that we haven't.

23 November, 2007 05:25  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha! You're so freakin cool. Many, many more good things to come and blog about like body wraps and new years dates! I like this list much better than the other one. Also, be thankful you are beautiful in every way and-in case you're wondering- i am thankful for you everyday!

23 November, 2007 08:20  
Blogger jill said...

i agree robb...i had the internet on there but i think it got replaced because besides keeping in touch with you right now, i'm not so thankful for the internet. but then i think it resurfaced as myspace. so why aren't you on myspace anyway?

and meg...me too.

23 November, 2007 09:33  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Jill, I really wish you had not left. I really do miss you when I am working. Thank you for saying that though, it was really sweet.

24 November, 2007 01:58  
Blogger jill said...

it's true. but really...have i even left?

24 November, 2007 05:34  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

aren't you sweet!

springsteen better than dave alvin & the ugly men? i find that hard to believe.

26 November, 2007 09:20  
Blogger jill said...

god, i miss the palms

26 November, 2007 15:07  

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