27 February 2007

the day of arousal

Happy birthday, Katie. I hope you had a fantastic day.

Quote of the night: "But I won't use that to wash my dog." ---Katie, after I told her I picked out the detachable shower head specifically for the pulsating massager.


Blogger Col said...

Wow. The level of blatant sexual reference we share amongst us is amazing. its a wonder we can ever look at each oher with straight faces.

27 February, 2007 14:26  
Blogger jill said...

no no no. according to the birthday book that we were reading last night, katie's birthday is the day of arousal. meditation: "awakening others carries tremendous responsibilities."

adriana's is the day of aloof icons. meditation: "a house with no curtains has nothing to hide." (that is so funny.)

nathan's is the day of design. meditation: "the grand pattern of the universe is god's design."

mine is the day of body language. meditation: "all substances give the illusion of permanence but in fact are just representations of varying states of energy."

zack and michaela's is the day of psychological leverage. meditation: "some people do their best work sleeping."

i shall not wake the twins.

27 February, 2007 16:05  

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