Right after I met Gary he gave me a valentine and Karen Ellsworth asked if she could keep it cuz it was signed "love, Gary." I just thought of that cuz I was reading about Harvey Keitel after I put "Reservoir Dogs" in my Netflix queue. I don't see the resemblance; He's much better looking. But was she from New Jersey?
She loooooooved you. Like, couldn't talk to you loved you.
I wish Gail read my blog.
yeah, i banged 'er.
that is so wrong
i know...after i submitted that, i just about upchucked in my shorts.
i tried to google image her just so everyone who reads this drivel could actually see just how wrong that was, but i found nada.
so i take it she's not welcome to displace evan and crash out as a guest in the new pad?
that's for the best.
so just what *does* gail do these days, anyway? she's been MIA. does she have herself a new lllloooovar?
same old...no new lovah last time i talked to her.
what about matt? heard from him lately?
when was that?
matt who?
ummmm...a month ago?
we should both download instant messenger and then we can chat. although this is fun.
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