short and nice(berg)
This post is for you ADHD'ers out there who can't read more than a few lines. I thought of another berg...
Sufficeberg - he's an adequate jew.
Last night I got a contact high. I liked that Blues Traveler-esque harmonica player though...
Sufficeberg - he's an adequate jew.
Last night I got a contact high. I liked that Blues Traveler-esque harmonica player though...
you forgot the following:
ubérberg- the ultra Jew
bergberg- the jew who repeats himself
thunderberg- a realy angry Jew
newberg- the jewish convert
oldberg- a really old jew
goldberg- the werestling jew (see: google)
grabberg- the accused fondler-jew
dilberg- the nerdy corperate office slave jew
"Look at me! I'm a-"berg- the jew who constantly has to be the center of attention.
mazel tov colinberg...those are brilliant
oh yeah, cant forget:
slyberg- the devious jew
shyberg- the (very rare) quiet hidden jew
dopeburg- the drug dealing jew
blondeberg- the "OMG! your a jew?"-jew
bigberg- the very large yellow fluffy jew
ok. Enough said.
ha ha..ok, last one, Promise!! -the stuttering Jew
my grandfather (rabbiberg) is turning over in his grave. oy.
you at a coffee shop in amsterdam?
No marijuana was used in the creations of these -berg lebels. The creator assumes no responcibility for offenses taken by the berg-ish nature of these labels. Any use of said labels without written permission from their creator is not deemed any infraction of civil and criminal codes, except those pertaining to common decency, and is encouraged.
you're high colin
Classic Berg labels:
weizenhymierberg- the jew who is always cracking jokes.
Vermenberg- the jew who steals your man
bogartberg- typical jew
nerdberg- self explanitory
ghettoberg- Jew with an identidy crisis
ottotoxicberg- a jew with hearing aids
Juanberg- the lazy good-for-nothing Jew who parks his car on his lawn
goverment cheese-berg -the jew whos always looking forward to the 1st of the month
psuedoberg- the wanna-be Jew
cyberberg- futureistic jew
swineberg- a non-kosher jew
berg-aler -the theiving jew
furryberg- a bearded jew
Mosesberg -the ultimate Jew
another few:
streizandberg- the "she's too old for Yentil" Jew
fiddler on the roof-berg - the musical Jew
are you sitting in class doing this? have you noticed we are not there?
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