21 March 2007

Early this morning one of our patients died. He'd been screaming in pain for a few days and nothing was controlling it, so I have to assume he is in a better place. One of the nurses was saying that people's death experience often reflects their life experience...like if they've had a rough life they're probably gonna have a rough death, or maybe have a lot to face before they're at peace with it.

Makes me think of like when you're falling asleep and you keep having weird little dreams and then you wake up from them. I wonder if it's like that...like you're trying to go to the other side but things are haunting and scary and keep you from comfortably and peacefully going.

So maybe this is what my grandfather was talking about.

But it is really weird to be hanging out with someone, answering their call light, giving them medication, and talking with their family for a few weeks and then all of the sudden they're dead. And I'm just at home watching American Idol and hanging out with the 9 year-olds like nothing has changed.



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