Ok, I guess I have to blog this just so I remember it when I read the blog archives several years down the road...
Our Phoenix adventure was fun...Katie and I
stood on the corner in Winslow, Arizona after meeting scads of really, really nice people in Holbrook. (Bad event #1: Katie left her purse in the restaurant, but retrieved it.) When we finally got to Phoenix (it truly was 112 degrees, btw), we stopped at an AM/PM to find out where we should stay. The guy directs us to a hotel 5 exits up the highway and then another several miles through town. We get within a few miles of the hotel and Katie says, "Where are the tickets?" So we pull into a parking lot, scour the car, come up with nothing, and drive back to the AM/PM. (Bad event #2: Katie throws the tickets in the
We got to our room about an hour before the show started, and it was really nice. We both (independently) tried to steal these
pots but can you believe they were secured to the furniture?

Anyway, the
show was amazing, (except for bad event #3: the piped-in music they played before the show) everyone should go see Bruce Springsteen if you haven't yet (and buy me a ticket, I'll pay you back and I'll drive). He played with a highly-trained 17-piece jugband and he is still way sexy.
You'll all be surprised to know that our shy friend actually got an entire arena of people chanting "Bruce" before the show, which was a feat in itself since we were the youngest people there (almost) and by the time he came on stage, it was like almost past most of their bedtimes.
Anyway, the drive was long but fun, and even though we almost drove to California to go to the ocean, it was a better decision to just drive right
home. (I know that picture is fuzzy, I was going like 85 when I took it. But aren't our mountains pretty?) So...who are we roadtripping to see next? Colin, CSNY in LA? Blues Traveler at Red Rocks?
Most memorable conversation from the other day (I fail miserably sometimes as a mother of almost 9 year-olds):
Me: So I got to hold newborn babies all night...
Michaela: Awwwwww, how long do you get to keep them in the nursery?
Me: Well if the mom had a c-section, which is where they cut her belly open and take the babies out like they did with you guys, we get them for 24 hours.
Zack: What if they don't cut them out?
Me: We only get them for a few hours.
Zack: No, I mean how do they come out?
Me: They push them through the birth canal.
Zack: Well, how do you get them in there?
Me: You just do.
Zack: No I mean how did you get me and Michaela inside you?
Me: Daddy and I just said, "let's have some kids" and we did.
Zack: And then we just appeared?
Me: Yep.
Zack: Wow.
Later...Michaela comes in my room:
Michaela: Something's wrong, Mommy.
Me: What's up?
Michaela: I was thinking about how Zack and I got here...and I don't think you were telling us the whole story.
Me: Huh?
Michaela: It just doesn't really add up, Mommy.