31 August 2007

bon voyage...

Finally...4 years of school is paying off. I've not 1 but 2 groovy vacations planned.

In September, you will (not) find me sitting on the beach in Florida drinking mai tais with no cell phone or computer in sight for 5 days.

In October, you can find me catching a Springsteen concert in the windy city.

In November, I plan to be rejuvenated.

The Blog Log...
Number of patients I have tonight: 7
How many different languages they speak: 3
How many of them speak: 4
How many days til Florida: 28
How many days til Chicago: 50

25 August 2007

this is what's so cool about having kids

Zack: I love you
Me: I love you more
Zack: You always outsmart that with me

Makes no sense, but perfect sense at the same time.

22 August 2007


21 August 2007

i'd like to take a moment to thank my friends...

Ok, so I've had an overload (not in a bad way at all) of friend time the past few days and I have to acknowledge, even when I think I'm out there on a limb by myself clinging to a branch made of shit that's unraveling and subsequently ready to crumble and it's like windy and raining and a tornado is about to hit even in New Mexico where besides the monsoons and the occasional snowstorm, we have no real weather, that I have fucking awesome friends.

And not the kind of friends that you have in high school (and sometimes later) where the only way you know you've fallen out is because they stop speaking to you, delete your phone number from their celly, or remove you from their top 8 friends on MySpace. Nuh uh. These are different friends.

(Oh...and as a side note...speaking of MySpace, what I'm enjoying most on there is not searching for old high school friends (cuz see above) but updating my mood emoticon. I've gone from curious to pensive to hopeful to peaceful to satisfied to cynical in like 4 days. That's the Sagittarius in me, I guess, and I figure I should embrace that or I'd just be bored all the time and then I'd never have the opportunity to change my mood anyway.)

Regardless... spending time with Mick yesterday looking for (and finding) a(nother) fabulous house began my unplanned therapy session. I love you, too, and I love that house, and I will think good thoughts about it even though at the moment I'm trying not to get too attached to anything. And Mick and I always have fun on our outings and do things like play with Barbie dolls and horses. Dinner last night with Radha was fantastic (you're fine, I promise) followed by my morning with Meg (although she had to endure my psychoses status post (and during, actually) phone conversations and email exchanges with he who shall remain nameless). An impromptu coffee date with Thais, who is actually just as fucked up as I am at the moment (I love you, and I say that lovingly, you know...) rounded it all up. And that was all after spending part of yesterday with a somewhat new-ish friend who is, in my opinion, just pretty damn awesome.

And now I'm looking forward to catching up with Colin. What more could I ask for today? Not much.

Thanks, all of you. Now...if only my heart rate would return to a respectable level from the 500 or so (give or take a few) that it's been since last Wednesday night and if I could actually sleep, everything would be perfect. Alas, one cannot ask for everything. So I'll just be happy with what I got.

Quote of the day: "It's not like I make out with any of my other guy friends." ---Thais....

17 August 2007

a good friday

Congrats to Sammie and Hannah on graduating! Convocation was much shorter than ours and very nice, even if the keynote speaker had a difficult time pronouncing some words. And the company I had at the ceremony was, to quote Ari, not too shabby either.

May I reiterate from an earlier blog...it is interesting and also blows me away sometimes (ok, today) that the things that we maybe take for granted or don't really think are anything are really quite amazing. Maybe Dorothy was right when she decided not to go looking further than her own backyard.

I had a most lovely day.

15 August 2007


14 August 2007

nevermind a ghost writer

Apparently I have nothing to blog these days except the funny things other people say. My life is consumed with 10 year-olds starting 5th grade (today!), work, househunting, trying not to feel like everyone's in between entertainment til they go home to their real lives, and applying to graduate school.

Although, I did hang out with a fabulous group of women this past weekend from all over the country, and it reaffirms my belief that, well, people can be fabulous.

Quote of the day: "Florence Nightingale, Carol Hathaway, Molly Pitcher......those bitches couldn't hold a Foley catheter to me." ---my friend Paul, when I asked him how, if he were me, he would start my intent letter for grad school.

13 August 2007

it doesn't get any more inappropriate than this

Quote of the shift: "I don't really want to work overtime here so I'm going to sell sex toys instead." ---Michelle, our new tech

most ridiculous conversation ever

Someone who shall remain nameless: What's peyote?
Me: It's a cactus
Jessie: Yeah, it's a succulent
Me: Haven't you ever seen Beavis and Butthead Do America?
Kathryn: Yes, I own that movie

And then we laughed so hard we cried. Our charge nurse hates us. I cannot believe you own that movie.

Funniest line from that movie: "I notice you have braces. I have braces too." ---Butthead, to Chelsea Clinton, trying to get her in bed.

11 August 2007

09 August 2007

prehistoric text messaging (aka, caveman email)

This was one of many fantastic messages we found floating on a sushi boat during dinner last night. I love how a good sense of humor can come out of the middle of nowhere. And a sushi bar might be the only place you can trade notes (and food) with people you've never met and have it actually be acceptable.

Then I learned about body shots.

Quote of the night: "She's just so...so...gay." ---Gina, about one of our ex nursing school classmates

08 August 2007

last day of 9

07 August 2007

quote of the night

Everybody keeps saying funny things. What can I do.

"I feel so ghetto sitting at the bus stop with pizza." ---Kortney

06 August 2007

quote of the night

"He's probably gonna sell it to "Girls Gone Wild" or something." ---Kathryn


life coach my ass

Note to Sammie:

If you're gonna charge $500 an hour to be someone's life coach, you gotta find more tricks than what you just told me. FYI.

04 August 2007

This would be too many kids for me. One set of twins is enough.