I could not love you any better
I love you just the way you are
Zack and I are hanging out listening to our new iPod. He's singing
Shiver at the top of his lungs but I'm not sure he knows how loud he really is.
The Padres almost kicked some Yankee azz tonight but the Yanks came back in the bottom of the 6th (aka the end) and won by 1 run. Too bad. My little centerfielder was awesome. A few annoying things happened at the game however:
1) A little princess-y glam queen who is all of 6 years old (I swear that kid wears make-up and is always dressed like a movie star) was running around saying, "Do I look fat? Do you think I'm fat?" Good, glam queen mom, start her off at 6 worrying about her weight, and make sure she's anorexic, bulemic, or dead by the time she's 16.
2) Is it just Albuquerque or is the whole world notorious for completely trashy women at little league games (except me, of course)? One of the moms on the team holds her toddler in her lap in the bleachers while she's puffing away on her Newports and I'm always afraid she's gonna singe her kid's hair or light her clothes on fire. That's just wrong.
3) There's a mom of one of Zack's teammates who is a med tech at a plastic surgery clinic somewhere here, maybe Pres...she's got the full on perm (do people still really get perms?), the red french manicure on her fingers and toes, and probably owns stock in the Lancome counter at Macy's. She's basically the anti-Jill. So we're chatting (cuz you know I can talk to anyone, even when I abhor them):
Med Tech Mom: I'm having Dominic's ears done.
Me: You're what?
MTM: I'm having his ears done.
Me: You mean pierced?
MTM: No. Clipped. Pegged.
Me: Like they do to pit bulls?
MTM: Well kind of...see how they stick out?
Me: He's pretty cute with those ears.
MTM: He could be cuter.
I swear, I live in New Jersey. I think my name is Earl.