81. According to Colin, who is currently in class drinking a Nalgene bottle full of lemonade and Parrot Bay, Peter Benchley single-handedly ruined the lives of sharks. Apparently he made them out to be such horrible creatures in Jaws, the scariest book ever with the scariest cover ever, but really they are sweet, kind-hearted animals just looking for seals. Whatthefuckever. Let's go out to Amity, slather ourselves in fish oil, and wade out 100 feet and see what bites our legs off. And let me assure you that they will not unclench, swim away, and then apologize for mistaking us for seals.
82. And while we're there, let's head to NYC and knock some sense into anyone who actually believes that I'm a crappy person or that I would ever intentionally offend or hurt someone I love. Come on.

83. Class this morning made me want to intentionally hurt people, actually. I was eyeing Radha's mace for awhile imagining what would happen if I grabbed it and sprayed someone. Madness would have ensued and I might have gotten arrested, but at least it woulda gotten us all out of that room.

84. Today Katie and I went through the Panda Express drive-thru. She forgot to order a drink, so when we got to the window, this was the conversation:
Me: Can we add a Diet Coke to that?
Window Lady: Sure. What Size?
Katie: A large?
Window Lady (blankly): Huh?
Me: Big
Window Lady: Oh, ok.
85. It shouldn't cost $700 to go to the ER because you can't breathe.
86. We only just figured out last weekend that Kelly's has wifi

A few excellent things did happen today, including I am gainfully employed not starting at the bottom of the pay range and (finally) I have health insurance, I (finally) used my REI dividend, and these lollipops that I won on the radio a few weeks ago are really fucking cool.

And how cute is this dog, sleeping in the middle of the busy sidewalk at the coffee shop.